Detailed documentation about SIMPLACE can be found here:
Link to the code documentation of SimComponents:
Scientific documentation: SIMPLACE - A versatile modelling and simulation framework for sustainable crops and agroecosystems
Documentation of the SIMPLACE Framework is divided three parts. The parts focus on the application, you want to use the framework for:
1. Cropping systems management in different spatial scales: SIMPLACE CropManager
2. Ecosystem management and spatial decision support: SIMPLACE Ecosystem Manager
3. Develop your own scientific application using: SIMPLACE Framework
How to cite SIMPLACE
When using SIMPLACE, please use the below reference (Enders et al., 2023) for citing the framework. Also cite the corresponding publication containing the most related modules, configuration or result when appropriate (some are listed below). Please make sure to refer to the framework version number you used (e.g. SIMPLACE v5.0) and, if possible, to use the ModelSolution naming containing the main SimComponents (e.g. <LINTUL5-SlimWater-SoilCN>).
- Enders, A., Vianna, M., Gaiser, T., Krauss, G., Webber, H., Srivastava, A. K., Seidel, S. J., Tewes, A., Rezaei, E. E., & Ewert, F. (2023). SIMPLACE - A versatile modelling and simulation framework for sustainable crops and agroecosystems. In Silico Plants, diad006.